Armed Forces News

On March 24, Charles S. Abell, principal defense deputy for personnel and readiness, told a congressional panel, “it is possible to create a force that is too expensive for the nation, especially when it comes to programs that are essentially deferred compensation, or where the benefits accrued only to those who no longer serve.” Testifying before the Total Force Subcommittee of the House Armed Services Committee, he said the Bush administration supported hikes in basic pay and housing allowances for active duty forces, but it opposes raises in entitlements, especially for retirees, their survivors, drilling reservists and their families. His hit list: phase-out of the SBP annuity cut faced by widows at age 62; full concurrent receipt for all retirees; military health care for all drilling reservists and their families; and lowering the full Reserve retirement age from 60 to 55.