Federal Manager's Daily Report

The Trust Regulation aims to promote trust in federal statistics, and the recognized statistical agencies and units that produce them. Image: Mark Van Scyoc/Shutterstock.com

OMB has finalized changes it proposed last year in the so-called “trust regulation,” clarifying what it calls the “fundamental responsibilities” in the gathering and use of statistics by federal agencies.

“The Trust Regulation aims to promote trust in federal statistics, and the recognized statistical agencies and units that produce them,” says an OMB post on rules in the October 11 Federal Register as called for by the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2018.

The fundamental responsibilities, it says, are to produce and disseminate relevant and timely statistical information; to conduct credible and accurate statistical activities; to carry out objective statistical activities; and to protect the trust of respondents and information providers by ensuring the confidentiality and exclusive statistical use of their responses.

“This regulation also sets forth requirements for all other federal agencies to ensure they enable, support, and facilitate the work of the statistical agencies,” OMB said. “The Trust Regulation ascribes statistical agencies and all other federal agencies with a responsibility to ensure that they will remain safe places for the collection, maintenance, and sharing of information critical to government decision making, while also ensuring the privacy of individuals and organizations.”

While those responsibilities are not new, “effectively implementing them in the form of standards and practices requires clear rules,” it said.

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