Federal Manager's Daily Report

Image: Jacquelyn Martin/AP/Shutterstock

OPM has issued a call to agencies for fiscal 2021 data on the diversity of their workforces for three separate reports it is required to produce annually—the Federal Equal Opportunity Recruitment Program report, the Hispanic Employment report and the report on employment of Individuals with Disabilities.

A memo tells agencies to consolidate their activities so that they make one submission satisfying requirements under all three, with a deadline of May 6.

For the first report, agencies also are to include “a policy, successful/promising practice or procedure (do not list a set of completed tasks) where your agency has been successful in the implementation of actions outlined in its diversity and inclusion strategic plan. For each accomplishment, include a concise explanation of the action taken, measure utilized, and the outcome.”

Agencies similarly are to identify “strategic activities the agency has taken to address the underrepresentation, career development, and retention of Hispanics during the prior fiscal year” for the second report and similar information regarding initiatives toward complying with an executive order to increase employment of those with disabilities issued during the Obama administration.

Also required is data about the agency’s formal mentoring programs, diversity and inclusion training, diversity and inclusion council(s), and development programs. Agencies with subcomponents with 500 or more employees must submit that information for each subcomponent.

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