An interagency body of IG offices overseeing pandemic-related spending has compiled a list of lessons learned for agencies to apply to any future emergency situation, including the importance of preparing for one now.
The Pandemic Response Accountability Committee issued the first installment of its “Blueprint for Enhanced Program Integrity” following a review of reports from individual agency IGs, the GAO and others. “Given the heightened challenges posed by emergency situations, we recognize the delicate balance between swiftly providing the money and services to recipients while also taking time to prevent and deter fraud, waste, and abuse prior to releasing funds,” the report says.
“To help agencies meet these critical objectives, we have identified key recommendations related to the development, implementation, and maintenance of strong internal controls, even during crises. Our ultimate goal is to steer agencies away from the “pay and chase” model that has led to substantial losses of taxpayer funds,” it says.
Key recommendations include: preparing for the next emergency by taking steps now such as setting the tone of a culture of accountability from the top; prioritizing and addressing GAO and IG recommendations regarding improper payments and fraud risk management; and building the staff and IT needed to manage both existing and new programs.
Other recommendations include clearly defining the objectives and scope of any program; verify that eligibility criteria are met; identify program- and contract-specific risk factors and red flags; provide timely, clear and consistent guidance; and more.
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