GS Locality Pay Tables

Salary Table 2025-CIN

Incorporating the 1.7% General Schedule Increase and a Locality Payment of 21.93%

For the Locality Pay Area of Cincinnati-Wilmington-Maysville, OH-KY-IN

Total Increase: 1.90%

Effective January 2025

Annual Rates by Grade and Step

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
1 27264 28178 29084 29987 30892 31421 32319 33222 33259 34104
2 30656 31385 32400 33259 33632 34621 35610 36599 37587 38576
3 33450 34565 35679 36794 37908 39022 40137 41251 42366 43480
4 37548 38801 40053 41305 42557 43809 45062 46314 47566 48818
5 42010 43410 44809 46209 47609 49009 50408 51808 53208 54608
6 46830 48390 49951 51512 53072 54633 56194 57755 59315 60876
7 52039 53774 55509 57244 58979 60714 62449 64184 65919 67654
8 57630 59552 61473 63395 65317 67238 69160 71082 73003 74925
9 63654 65775 67897 70018 72140 74261 76383 78505 80626 82748
10 70096 72433 74769 77105 79441 81777 84113 86450 88786 91122
11 77015 79581 82148 84715 87281 89848 92414 94981 97548 100114
12 92308 95386 98463 101541 104618 107696 110773 113851 116928 120006
13 109767 113427 117086 120745 124404 128063 131722 135381 139040 142700
14 129712 134035 138359 142682 147006 151330 155653 159977 164301 168624
15 152575 157660 162746 167832 172917 178003 183089 188175 193260 195200 *

Source: OPM
* Rate limited to the rate for level IV of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)).

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Locality raises are determined by comparisons of local private sector salary rates, not by cost of living. An individual’s rate is based on where he or she works, not where he or she lives.

Federal Pay Systems
The general schedule salary system for white collar federal employees is what is generally referred to the “civil service” pay system even though it now covers only just more than half of the workforce. The wage system for blue collar employees is the next largest while numerous other special salary systems make up the rest.

Separate salary systems are maintained for Senior Executive Service members, the U.S. Postal Service, the Foreign Service, law enforcement officers, most medical personnel of the Veterans Health Administration and high-level officials including administrative law judges, Board of Contract Appeal members, and certain senior professional employees.

Presidential appointees are paid under the Executive Schedule system while federal judges and members of Congress also have separate pay schedules.

2024 Federal Employees Handbook