GS Locality Pay Tables

Salary Table 2025-MSP

Incorporating the 1.7% General Schedule Increase and a Locality Payment of 27.62%

For the Locality Pay Area of Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN-WI

Total Increase: 2.08%

Effective January 2025

Annual Rates by Grade and Step

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
1 28536 29493 30441 31387 32334 32888 33827 34773 34811 35695
2 32086 32849 33912 34811 35201 36236 37271 38306 39341 40376
3 35011 36178 37344 38511 39677 40844 42010 43176 44343 45509
4 39301 40611 41922 43233 44543 45854 47165 48475 49786 51096
5 43970 45435 46900 48365 49831 51296 52761 54226 55691 57156
6 49015 50649 52282 53916 55549 57183 58816 60450 62083 63717
7 54467 56283 58099 59915 61731 63547 65363 67179 68995 70811
8 60320 62331 64342 66353 68365 70376 72387 74399 76410 78421
9 66624 68845 71065 73286 75506 77727 79948 82168 84389 86609
10 73367 75813 78258 80703 83148 85593 88039 90484 92929 95374
11 80609 83295 85981 88668 91354 94041 96727 99413 102100 104786
12 96616 99837 103058 106279 109501 112722 115943 119164 122385 125606
13 114890 118720 122550 126380 130209 134039 137869 141699 145529 149359
14 135765 140290 144816 149341 153866 158392 162917 167443 171968 176493
15 159695 165018 170341 175664 180987 186310 191633 195200 * 195200 * 195200 *

Source: OPM
* Rate limited to the rate for level IV of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)).

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Locality raises are determined by comparisons of local private sector salary rates, not by cost of living. An individual’s rate is based on where he or she works, not where he or she lives.

Federal Pay Systems
The general schedule salary system for white collar federal employees is what is generally referred to the “civil service” pay system even though it now covers only just more than half of the workforce. The wage system for blue collar employees is the next largest while numerous other special salary systems make up the rest.

Separate salary systems are maintained for Senior Executive Service members, the U.S. Postal Service, the Foreign Service, law enforcement officers, most medical personnel of the Veterans Health Administration and high-level officials including administrative law judges, Board of Contract Appeal members, and certain senior professional employees.

Presidential appointees are paid under the Executive Schedule system while federal judges and members of Congress also have separate pay schedules.

2024 Federal Employees Handbook