GS Locality Pay Tables

Salary Table 2025-OM

Incorporating the 1.7% General Schedule Increase and a Locality Payment of 18.23%

For the Locality Pay Area of Omaha-Council Bluffs-Fremont, NE-IA

Total Increase: 1.95%

Effective January 2025

Annual Rates by Grade and Step

Grade Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 Step 10
1 26436 27323 28201 29077 29955 30468 31338 32214 32250 33069
2 29725 30432 31417 32250 32611 33570 34529 35488 36447 37406
3 32435 33516 34596 35677 36758 37838 38919 40000 41080 42161
4 36409 37623 38837 40052 41266 42480 43694 44908 46123 47337
5 40735 42092 43450 44807 46164 47521 48879 50236 51593 52950
6 45409 46922 48435 49949 51462 52975 54489 56002 57515 59029
7 50459 52142 53824 55507 57189 58871 60554 62236 63919 65601
8 55881 57745 59608 61471 63335 65198 67061 68925 70788 72651
9 61722 63779 65836 67894 69951 72008 74065 76122 78180 80237
10 67969 70235 72500 74765 77030 79296 81561 83826 86092 88357
11 74678 77166 79655 82144 84633 87121 89610 92099 94588 97076
12 89507 92491 95475 98460 101444 104428 107412 110396 113380 116364
13 106437 109985 113533 117081 120629 124177 127725 131273 134821 138369
14 125775 129968 134160 138353 142545 146738 150930 155122 159315 163507
15 147945 152876 157807 162739 167670 172602 177533 182464 187396 192327

Source: OPM
* Rate limited to the rate for level IV of the Executive Schedule (5 U.S.C. 5304 (g)(1)).

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Locality raises are determined by comparisons of local private sector salary rates, not by cost of living. An individual’s rate is based on where he or she works, not where he or she lives.

Federal Pay Systems
The general schedule salary system for white collar federal employees is what is generally referred to the “civil service” pay system even though it now covers only just more than half of the workforce. The wage system for blue collar employees is the next largest while numerous other special salary systems make up the rest.

Separate salary systems are maintained for Senior Executive Service members, the U.S. Postal Service, the Foreign Service, law enforcement officers, most medical personnel of the Veterans Health Administration and high-level officials including administrative law judges, Board of Contract Appeal members, and certain senior professional employees.

Presidential appointees are paid under the Executive Schedule system while federal judges and members of Congress also have separate pay schedules.

2024 Federal Employees Handbook