Retirement & Financial Planning Report

Since the founding of our firm we have been in the business of financial planning

and money management.  We started working with federal government employees in 1977

when we founded our seminars and training firm.  Since the Thrift’s inception in

1987 we have been advising federal government workers on TSP asset allocation and


When conducting our training classes on the TSP we find that many federal government

employees are looking for some guidance. 

We started providing the TSP allocation service in December 2003 and have had an

overwhelming demand for the continuation of this service. 

We understand your choices in the TSP and how to coordinate them with your

retirement system.    

For an annual subscription rate of $59.00 this service will provide to you tactical

asset allocation recommendations based on fundamental analysis to identify potential

opportunities.  There are 5 models to choose from based on your risk tolerance. 

We provide a risk tolerance questionnaire to help guide you. 

Click here to find out more: